Combined Cosmetic Suite
Our Combined Cosmetic Suite protects your car from small scratches, scuffs and dents, as well as providing tyre and alloy protection.

What are the key benefits of covering scratches and dents?
If, in the future, your vehicle is subject to damage as a result of a dent, stone chip, scratch or scuff, our Combined Cosmetic Suite could be right for you.
Cover includes repairs to cosmetic scratches and dents (end to end up to 30cm diameter and 3mm in depth) and chips (up to 1.5cm diameter and 3mm in depth).
Repairs available through our skilled RAC nationwide network at your preferred location, including at home or work.
No excess to pay when claiming.
Claim up to 5 times for every year of cover purchased.
Cover starts from day 1 with no waiting period and there are no restrictions around the age or mileage of vehicles.
Reimbursement of up to £150 (inc. VAT) towards an alternative repair method if cosmetic repair techniques can't be used.

What are the key benefits of covering tyres and alloys?
If, in the future, your alloy wheels on the vehicle are accidentally scuffed, due to risks like kerbing or potholes, or the tyres were to suffer punctures or damage, our Combined Cosmetic Suite would cover the unexpected costs.
The reassurance of knowing you're covered if your tyres and/or alloys are accidentally or maliciously damaged.
Repairs available through skilled nationwide RAC network at your preferred location, including at home or work.
Claim up to 5 times for every year of cover purchased for both alloys and tyres.
No excess to pay when claiming.
Cover starts from day 1 with no waiting period and no restrictions around the age or mileage of vehicles.
Reimbursement of up to £150 (inc. VAT) towards an alternative repair method or a replacement alloy wheel if cosmetic repair techniques can't be used.